Wow, I hadn't realized it has been almost 2 weeks since my last entry! I tend to get pretty anti-social and depressed around Mother's day, and this year was no different. Let's just say, Infertility+Mother's Day= Horrible depressing sobfest. Well, I'm feeling more myself and trying to stay positive so I'll stop depressing you and get to the good stuff. This past weekend was one of my very best friends, Erin's 30th Birthday. It also happened to be the weekend of the Folsom Run with Nature 5k that Tara(sister) and I ran. My brother, Oliver, invited Nate to go camping with him and our nephew Dominic on Friday night, so I decided to have a girl's night! Tara, Jocelyn(4yrs old), and Gizelle(6 mo. old) came up Friday to spend the night(our race was Saturday), and I invited Erin and Mason(her 8mo. old) to have dinner as well. Little did Erin know, this was her mini surprise birthday party! Dinner Menu: Appetizer: Home made Hummus & Home made tortilla chips Main Course: Curry Chicken with Coconut rice Dessert: Tres Leches cake topped with blueberry pie filling and whipped cream. And let me tell you with was DEL-ISH!! Mason and Gizelle were so cute with each other, crawling over, and pinching each other.
I didn't have enough candles for the cake, so I improvised..

Tara grabbed my camera, and snapped some shots while I was holding Gizelle and Mason. Here are the least fat-looking shots of me.

We had a great night, Happy Birthday Erin!
The next morning, we woke up bright and early at 5:30am to get ready for the races! When we got there, we had to pick up our packets with the shoe chip to keep track of your time, and our shirts. The guy at the booth saw that I had requested a small (I had gotten a Medium at the 10k I ran in March and it was really big) and he said to me(while holding up the small shirt as if to size me up), "I see you requested a small, you know we do have bigger sizes available if you would like one" OMG how
RUDE was that?! I told him, no I think that size is just fine, and after one more time reminding me that if I wanted, I could still get a bigger size he finally gave me my shirt. And guess what.. it was BIG on me! Ha! Ugh, I really can't believe the lack of tact some people have! So far, the morning was not off to a great start, but I wasn't going to let that jerk face ruin my race! Jocelyn's race was first. It was a 1/2 mile kid's run around the park and zoo. She did great and ran with all of the other kids the whole time!

After Jocelyn's race, it was our turn! We got the kids packed in, and we were ready to go!

We had to start in the back because of the stroller, which was lame, so we were stuck behind all the slow people! There was a lot of uphill, so Tara and I switched off pushing the stroller, which by the way was a lot harder than it looked! We came in with a time of 33min(average 10.5 min miles, when I usually run about 8.5-8.75min miles), which is ok, when you consider what we had going against us. The kids were great, Gizelle slept the whole time, and Jocelyn kept us motivated, telling us to speed up! Afterward, we collected all of our freebies (one of the best things about races!) and headed to the zoo!

We had lots of fun! I highly recommend that everyone run a race it's a blast! Once you do one, you will be hooked! 5k's are only 3.1 miles, anyone can run or walk 3 miles!