So I haven't written in almost a year, and I'm going to attempt it again. I said ATTEMPT so if I stop writing after 2 posts, don't say there wasn't a fair warning. SO much has happened in the last year. The most exciting of which is we FINALLY are starting our adoption process! We are in the first stages of it, so filling out paper work, doing foster parent training and such. We are told that the current waiting time is 2-3 years. Sooo..... let's just say we can use all the prayers and patience we can get. Another exciting thing that has happened is I ran 2 Half Marathons in the last 5 months! My first one was in December, and a pretty small race, only 199 racers and I placed at 50.
coming into the finish |
the people who put on the race also got this extremely attractive picture of me coming into the finish line....thanks. |
I did it!
My second Half Marathon I just ran last Saturday. This was a MUCH larger event with a 5k, Walkers Half, and Runners Half with a total of close to 4,000 people.
LOTS of racers! |
Nate is so awesome, he got up at 6am to come support me! |
Erin, Matt and Mason also surprised me by showing up and cheering me into the finish! It was a great race, and so much fun!
Mason and I after the race! |
Nate beat out the last race with the most attractive running pic of me ever.
The last 1/2 mile I sprinted with everything I had in me and was rewarded by
beating my previous time of 1 hour 55 min.. I came in at 1:54 with a pace of 8:43. I was so stoked! For this race I placed 375 out of 2083!
Both races were similar, the first 8 or so miles flew by. Between 8-11 I was getting pretty tired, and by mile 12, I was really pushing myself. I have been going back and forth on if I want to do a full Marathon this year or not. I know I want to do one, I just don't know which one or how soon. There is the California International Marathon that is here in town, but I read a suggestion on a running forum that you should do your first Marathon somewhere that you want to visit anyway, so you get a vacation and a marathon experience. I can't decide whether I just want to do the one here in December or find another one someplace like San Diego next year. Hmmmmm. Thoughts??